Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The first post

This is your warning, the only one you get, that my mind is a strange confusing and utterly fucked up place that is not fit for small children, little animals or even myself at times.

This place is for my ramblings and screwed up thoughts and emotions about anything and everything that strikes my fancy. This blog is more than likely not something you will want to open at work and will not be updated with probably any regularity.

Aside from that welcome to my little corner of the infinite that is cyberspace! Pull up a stool and order a drink from the scantily clad bar maids and lets chat. (Hey my mind my rules)


  1. Hehehe. Guess I get to be the first to post. Just remember them rules about the barmaids, darlin'. Lookie, no touchie. And yes, I know I'm blocking your periscope.

    *blows kisses*

  2. *looks around* Hmm... nice setting, comfy stools... Jaleh! I didn't know you were going to be one of the barmaids! That princess Leia outfit looks lovely on you. :P

    Mmmm, and the drinks are tasty!
