Saturday, February 20, 2010

Umm thanks.......


1) I read way to much fanfiction and cant seem to stop wanting to write more of it

2) I could have had more dates in High School if I did not have morals and tried to follow them

3) I have left a job before because I figured out how to kill just about all the other employees without being caught on video doing it.

4) I can come up with great scenes for stories and can tell good stories but I lack the skill to turn them into written complete stories

5) I eat Pocki

6) I am becoming that which I always wanted to...the Dirty old man from anime....and I dont know if thats a good thing or not

7) In highschool I joined a historical reenactment group called Regia Anglorum and since then have become obsessed with historical melee combat

8) I believe in the existence of magic and psychic abilities and phenomenon

9) College, aside from the friends I made, was probably the worst thing I ever did, I liked the classes I took and what I did with my degree but I should never have gone straight from high school.

10) I enjoy answering interview questions oddly in sucha ay that the interviewer is not sure about how to take the answer, example:
"Have you ever had to handle confidential information and how did you deal with it?"

"I am sorry I am not at liberty to discuss that."

Pulled that one on the guy interviewing me for the promotion I just got and he gave me this blank look for about a minute and then said:

"Alright then."

Muhahahahahahahahaha sometimes I am evil, but mostly I have realized over time that while I might like a person I hate people.